Aftercare- Brows
Microblading and Powder Brows- 14 Day Aftercare

Gently dab until oozing stops for hours to keep area dry.

Only gentle wash with provided cleanser and apply moisturizer morning and night.

SLEEP on your back and with a clean pillow for 2-weeks.
Avoid direct sunlight and tanning beds for 2-weeks.
Avoid hair removal and tinting for 2-weeks.
Avoid directly wetting area for 2-weeks.

Do NOT pick, rub or peel to avoid irritation.

Avoid Excessive sweating for 1-week.

No makeup until healed about 2-weeks.

No facials or cosmetic procedures for 4-weeks.

Do not rub face with towel. Air dry or pat.
Book follow up appointment 6-8 weeks out.

Eyebrows WILL appear darker and Boulder due to the natural scabbing and healing for the next few day. This is common for all PMU procedures.

Aftercare- Lips
Lip Blushing- 7 Day Aftercare

Gently dab until oozing stops for hours to keep area dry.

Only gentle wash with provided cleanser and apply moisturizer morning and night.

SLEEP on your back and with a clean pillow for 2-weeks.
Avoid direct sunlight and tanning beds for 2-weeks.
Avoid directly wetting area for 2-weeks.

Drink through a straw and avoid spicy or salty foods.

Do NOT pick, rub or peel to avoid irritation.

Avoid Excessive sweating for 1-week.

No makeup until healed about 2-weeks.

No facials or cosmetic procedures for 4-weeks.

Do not rub face with towel. Air dry or pat.

Book follow up appointment 6-8 weeks out.